Thursday, April 30, 2009

the flip side

Wow, how can it be that in two days the beautiful little girls turned into a bickering, uncooperative example of bad sportsmanship? Could it be because today's lesson was on being a good sport? Unfocused, crabby, mean-spirited words... It was one of those days when it became necessary to let go of the lesson and let them play a game.

It makes me admire parents and teachers and all of those who cannot walk away after two hours. Don't get me wrong--my heart is with these little girls. What you are hearing is my frustration in not knowing how to deal with them.

Shelby's birthday is tomorrow. She informed me that she just felt like she was going to burst, and not in a good way. She said, "I always chew my clothes the day before my birthday." I asked her if birthdays are a good thing, and she answered affirmatively. Yet she described an anxiety that comes before... She's turning nine! (I wanted to tell her to wait until she's thirty or forty or fifty...)

Bekah hurt her tailbone, Jasmine had a sore ankle, Kelsee had a headache. And so on. And so on.

Tuesday we will run a practice 5k, so that will keep them occupied. I'm wondering if I'm going to need some harnesses?!

1 comment:

patty said...

My dear's the time of year! Every year at this time my students go crazy on me..I guess it's spring fever.
This year it is so bad that my entire circle time lesson is now set to music and motion. It's the only way I can get any lessons in!
So...don't be too hard on yourself, it is just the run of the mill "spring fever".