Monday, April 6, 2009

spring snow

Winter's last gasp came with breathtaking beauty. Winter is never over until it snows on my freshly-bloomed daffodils. I know that, and while I don't like it, I accept it. It's impossible to control nature, after all.

The first daffodil opened on Friday.

I woke this morning to snow-laced branches on the dogwood outside the bedroom window, and a delicate mantle covering the grass. The flashers on the ditched cars along the freeway alerted me to the icy conditions, so despite my hurry to get to work, I slowed down.

It's a good reminder. Slow down. Appreciate the beauty, pay attention to the warnings.


patty said...

ahhh so life...slow down, enjoy the beauty and watch for the warnings God give us! I will have to remember that when the Holy Spirit gives me one of the nudge warnings!

Reya Mellicker said...

Glad to hear that at least one of my midwestern friends is OK with the long lingering winter. Bravo!

Cool thoughts on the energy field of my client that you posted on my blog. Thanks for that. Internally focused - yeah, no doubt that's what was happening.
