Monday, April 13, 2009

punky funk

So, there's no real reason to feel punky and drained (aftermath of too much joy yesterday)? I had difficulty peeling myself off the pillow this morning, and having a warm cat nestled next to me didn't help. Then I was cranky with my husband for no good reason.

If I had to declare a mood right now, it would be tired.

There's good news, though.

#1 - My brother will start at his employer's corporate HQ next Monday. He doesn't know what, exactly, he'll be doing or for how long... But it beats unemployment!

#2 - We didn't unveil the hydrangeas yesterday. With sleet in the forecast, it would have been a shame to lose them after sheltering them all winter.

#3 - I had fun with my students tonight. I'm not sure if it was reciprocal, but I sure did enjoy them.

Life is good, and tomorrow is another day.

I'd like to return to something more like - joyous!
My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

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