Thursday, November 8, 2012


Leslie hit the nail on the head in her post today. (Top of the Page "The Itch of Loneliness")

I crave connection. Intensely.

There are ways I've tried to satisfy the need. Reaching out to someone I thought could be a friend. Being in a small group. And then, of course, social media - FB and Pinterest. As if collecting "likes" and "reposts" creates connection.

And the need remains. Unfulfilled.

I don't even feel connected at my church home. I've questioned lately why I'm there - is it habit? Or because I play in the worship band? Or simply that I dislike change? How can I be somewhere for eight or nine years and feel like people don't know me?

Who will listen? Who will understand? Lately I've felt - and feelings are perilous and inaccurate gauges - that I am listening while others do all the talking.

Leslie reminded me that there is One who listens.

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