Sunday, March 22, 2009


Sometimes husbands say things that are painful.

And sometimes they are right.

It happened to me this week. It was a somewhat dreadful week, full of self-doubt and self-criticism. As usual, I've taken on too much and I'm flat-out tired, leaving me especially susceptible to--let's call them "unhelpful"--thought patterns. It goes something like this--my students fail an exam, therefore I am not only a bad teacher, I am the worst teacher ever. The other Girls on the Run team lines up quietly and neatly at the door, waiting to go outside. My team boomerangs off the walls. Therefore, I should not be a GOTR coach. You get the picture.

I know that these things aren't true. In my rational moments, I know that my students simply didn't study. Like me, they have busy lives, and school might not be their number one priority.

So when I came home late, began talking to my husband, and he said, "I think that you are a self-promoter", it seemed quite unfair. Drawing more out of him, I think I finally understood that he was trying to tell me that I don't need to prove myself--and I certainly don't need to use words to try to prove myself.

I really disliked what he said, and frankly, I disagreed.

Because I respect him--and because he pointed this out in a non-accusatory way, I decided to observe myself in conversations--did I feel a need to point out an accomplishment, and if so, why? I also examined my motives--why do I teach, volunteer at Dale Carnegie, coach GOTR, run half-marathons?

I had to admit there are some things I do to prove myself.

The dual whammy came this morning.

Galatians 3:3, "After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?"

And the sermon text--Philippians 3:7-8. After listing his impressive credentials, the apostle Paul writes, "I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."

Ah, credentials are fine--but not when they are the source of my worth. Accomplishments are acceptable--but mustn't be the goal.

As the words of the Song of Hope say, "Just to know You and be loved is enough."

To know Christ.

To know.


Only Christ.

1 comment:

patty said...

man oh is it God gives us men who know us so well? Then...HE has to go and confirm it in scripture!
But...what a relief to know that we are IN CHRIST! What better place to be.
You are such a faithful daughter Susan and God delights in you!