Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well, the toughest part of today was doing--absolutely nothing.

I'm not one to sit still; even when I'm watching a movie at home, I'm usually knitting or grading papers. This winter, I am:
- Working full-time
- Coaching Dale Carnegie
- Teaching Accounting 102 at Kalamazoo Valley Community College
- Playing piano with the worship band at church
- Training for a 25k (sort of!)
- Waiting to start my 2nd session as a Girls on the Run coach
- Studying for Part II of the CMA exam

Where is the time for doing nothing? Non-existent!

Today, I got up... read the Bible... called my parents to wish them a happy 56th wedding anniversary... went to breakfast with Bruce... and spent hours lying by the pool in the sun at the Cancun resort, reading The First Patient by Michael Connelly.

My big accomplishment was getting enough color to pass for a normal, healthy person and finishing the book.

The crazy thing is the realization that I have not given myself permission to STOP since having surgery four years ago. My rationale then was health and healing.

So why do I feel guilty about disconnecting from the Crackberry and my students and all that is my so-called life back home?

Is not vacation exactly for my health and healing?


Reya Mellicker said...

I, too, have a hard time sitting still, even though I know that rest is important, even necessary, for good health physically, emotionally and spiritually.

As I get older, the urge to keep moving increases.

I do sit down and meditate every day, though. Does that count?

Enjoy the sunshine and best wishes that you'll be able to relax!!

Susan said...

Meditating definitely counts! It's a miniature sabbath every time we pause...

patty said...

Good for you! I"m so glad you are relaxing.