Sunday, January 25, 2009

in the flesh

"How are you?," our pastor asked.

"I'm beside myself!," I replied.

Today--finally--after months of prayer, I got to meet Michael--in the flesh. Michael is my friend's fiance--from Uganda. He is a handsome man with a brilliant smile. He loves God--and he loves Sharon. So this week,
  • He got on a plane--for the first time.
  • He left Africa--for the first time.
  • He changed planes in Amsterdam--for the first time.
  • He arrived in the United States--for the first time.
This morning, I was able to hug him--for the first time. Ugandans are good huggers.

So while it is hard to let go of a friend and see her move to Uganda, there is comfort in knowing that this man will love, honor, and protect her with those strong arms.

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