Wednesday, September 23, 2009


There's lots going on with people right now.
  • A. (young mother of two) will have another coil inserted tomorrow for her aneurysm.
  • C. and D. wait to hear test results from the oncologist.
  • J. is losing his home and business.
  • S. continues to look for work in this very discouraging economy.
And so it goes.

I've been thinking lately about Psalm 73:24-25... a good reminder for difficult times.

"You guide me with Your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny.
Whom have I in heaven but You?
I desire You more than anything on earth."

Do I? Do I truly believe and look forward to that glorious destiny? Because if I do, it will provide perspective and peace. Do I desire God more than anything on earth? It is a dangerous prayer, a daring prayer.

Such a desire secures my destiny.

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