Saturday, January 18, 2020


My mom strings her memories on a figurative necklace, and I continue the tradition.

The jewels of 2015 included:

We visited our dear friends, Sharon and Michael Mbabazi, in Uganda. Time spent in homes of their friends and family, worship and commissioning service at Deliverance Church Mukono, and a three-day safari to Paraa Lodge in northwest Uganda made it the perfect way to learn about the culture and beauty of this African nation. God gave us a rainbow at Murchison Falls National Park.

I had the opportunity to spend several days in Colorado with my sisters-in-law. We had daily devotions together, relaxing on the deck. We laughed and cried as we talked about what God has been doing in our lives. How gracious God is to give me seven beautiful sisters in Christ! And who could forget the HATS at Glen Eyrie teatime?

We welcomed our third grandchild, Elizabeth Lynn.

My oldest nephew, Noah Alexander, helped me finish my first marathon. Couldn't have made it without Bruce, Jerry, Jef, Sara, Lizzy, Phil, Katie, Charlie and Allie cheering me on at the 17-mile mark! (Thanks, Jerry, for the sign - "Eats miles for breakfast!" It's a long way to run for a banana.)

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