Sunday, December 15, 2013

Make Room

Last night at the Living Nativity, the innkeeper's words lodged in my heart. He said, "Always make room." At this time of year, with crowded schedules and crowded stores and crowded thoughts, who doesn't long for some "room" - room to think, breathe, rest?

There is miracle and mystery to the Christmas Story... A virgin birth. All powerful God, taking human form as a powerless infant. Angelic choirs singing Gloria to shepherds in a midnight field. A bright star guiding wise men on a two-year journey to find this miraculous child.

In this story -
We see God reaching out to the willing - a teenage girl who said, “Lord may it be done as You have said.” A young mother who pondered the very words of God spoken over her divine child.

We see God reaching out to the ordinary. Shepherds were in a lowly, lonely vocation. (Yet Jesus described Himself as a shepherd). The shepherds responded - "Let's go see this!"

We see God reaching out to the humble. The wise men were wise, but not too proud to go in search of Jesus, bringing gifts to the child who embodied the King of Kings.

As I look at my very ordinary life - am I willing, am I humble? Is there room in my heart to worship my Savior?

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