Thursday, June 7, 2012


Lately, I have been undone by kindness.

The shoebox wrapped round and round with clear packing tape was waiting when I got home. A mystery unexpected.

It's a wonder I didn't stab myself with the butcher knife I used to open the well-protected box.

Inside, a handmade card, drawn and embellished with a sewn heart. A beautiful scarf. Two (!) packages of Trader Joe's Honey Sesame Almonds.

But it was the message that undid my carefully constructed composure.

Yes, there is a lot on my plate. The tipping point is the process of losing my dad. In a strange way, he is becoming child and I am becoming parent. It's sad and scary and uncomfortable at times; at others, when I step back and breathe, I feel grateful. Grateful to have this time, hard as it is. Thankful that God has gifted me with the skills to take on these new responsibilities. I would not trade this experience.


Sometimes I feel alone.

And when I do, something always happens to remind me that I'm not.

So I add to my list of gratitude those who listen... and put into action what they hear.

So simple - card, scarf, almonds.

Kindness reminds me that I am not alone.

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