Thursday, January 1, 2009

hide and seek

Imagine God, arriving in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the day. He looked forward to that regular time with Adam and Eve; He loved being together.

But this particular day, no Adam and Eve to greet Him. He called to them.

Picture Adam and Eve on this particular day. Dodging behind trees, breathing as quietly as possible, hearts pounding anxiously. Perhaps hoping that God would skip today's meeting.

So began our game of hide and seek with God. We hide--that is never His role. He seeks.

God, I try so hard to hide my nakedness--angry thoughts, sharp words, critical spirit, fear of failure, and on it goes. I hastily fashion inadequate coverings of self-justification and rationalization. I'm like a small child, closing my eyes and thinking it makes me invisible.

Naked and unashamed. Living with a clean, forgiven heart. That is how I want to live before You.

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