Wednesday, August 29, 2012



Slowing down this morning to scribe verses from Ephesians... Connecting a co-worker with another to give her project success... Pressing on with something I'm not very good at (and finishing)... Dinner at the Chinese buffet with my husband in hopes that hot & sour soup will clear my sinuses... Receiving an e-mail from the college bookstore manager letting me know that she can provide free access cards to all 28 of my students... Working on my class assignment schedule and looking forward to meeting this new set of students... Cat sleeping on couch...Typing this entry to the sound of humming refrigerator...

I will be grateful for this day.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

come weary

It took its toll on me, the pace. Uncharacteristically tired, I pressed on with the 3-1/2 mile walk with a friend and got up early the next morning for a 70-minute run. Then on to music rehearsal and to visit my parents, followed by a wonderful dinner with husband, stepson and daughter-in-law.

At least that's what I tell myself - it was the pace.

It was the pace that caused the sneezing and stuffiness and aches. I haven't been sick in I can't remember how long. Even when my pre-school age nephews coughed in my face, I was immune, invincible.

The truth is, I'm weary. Tired of the dilemma - what to do about the strained-beyond-measure relationship? The stress has gone from mind to body and I'm just flat worn out.

And life is short. Four weeks ago a friend committed suicide. Less than two weeks ago a co-worker was seriously injured in a car crash that could have killed him. So this rift, this seems-like-it's-insurmountable chasm, feels ever-more-urgent to resolve.

But there is an invitation... Jesus says, "Come to Me weary." In this busy, self-sufficient, I'm-in-control world, there is One who says, "Rest. It's OK. Let Me figure it out."

It's a beautiful offer.

I intend to accept.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

let it be

It all started with a falling out. Words were said, anger burned, then stilled to glacial silence.

And it was all too painful to write about, so I got out my colored pencils and drew. And drew some more.

Colored pencils were not enough so I bought some watercolor pencils and brushes and sturdy watercolor paper and drew some more and added paint. The sweep of brush across paper and the cutting and gluing and writing exposed what narrative could not easily express.

There was time away at the cabin without Internet. Time to go deeper and slow down enough to ink the treasured words from soul to the watercolored page, letter by letter.

I have everything I need. He restores my soul. I fear no evil. You comfort.

From our shopping excursion to Nifty Things came the inspiration from the Beatles, Let it Be.

It became a play on words.

Let it be. (Leave it alone.)

Let it be. (My hope and prayer... Oh God, restore.)

There will be an answer.

Let it be.

Saturday, August 11, 2012



con·sen·sus noun, often attributive

a : general agreement : unanimity
b : the judgment arrived at by most of       
those concerned consensus was
to go ahead>

: group solidarity in sentiment and belief

It needed to be said.
do I feel so